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Michael Chimarys, JD




Over 39 years experience as a police officer, civilian Senior Special Agent, polygraph instructor, criminal investigator and polygraph examiner for the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). Broad experience in conducting criminal investigations, felony arrests, interrogations, polygraph examinations, witness interviews, crime scene examinations, collection and preservation of evidence. Routinely conducted high profile complex felony investigations pertaining to arson, fraud, white collar crimes, theft, robbery, rape, sex offenses, child abuse, larceny, murder, counter-intelligence, counter-espionage, espionage, background investigations; and, the recruitment, development and supervision of undercover sources. Was responsible for identifying, screening, testing and vetting of prospective agent applicants. Over 31 years experience in conducting polygraph examinations for pre-employment purposes, criminal investigations, treatment and supervision of convicted offenders. Extensive training, education and experience in sex offender polygraph examinations, methods; and, presentation of training seminars to polygraph examiners and investigators.  Author of several manuals used by investigators and polygraph examiners for conducting criminal investigations & sex offender polygraph examinations, as well as interviewing and interrogation methods. Past -President, Vice-President, Board Member and Chairman of the Board of the Texas Association of Polygraph Examiners. Currently a Board Member and Editor of the TAPE Newsletter.


 Formal Education:

                        Texas A&I University, Kingsville, TX (1972)

          Bachelor of Science Degree: Double Major Sociology and Psychology

                        Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL (1987)

                                                Master of Arts Degree:  Psychology

                        Birmingham School of Law, Birmingham, AL (1992)

                                                Juris Doctorate Degree


Employment History:


MSM Security Service, LLC (FEB07 to Present)

                        ManTech MSM Security Service (MAR03 to FEB07)

                        MSM Security Service, INC (APR01 to MAR03)

                  Background investigations conducted for Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Border

                  Patrol, Immigration, Customs and Enforcement Agency (ICE).


Self Employed Polygraph Examiner in the State of Georgia (Since 1999)

                        Polygraph testing services conducted for attorneys, law enforcement agencies, sex offender

                        treatment providers and businesses.


Self Employed Private Investigator in the State of Georgia (Since 1999)

                        Private investigations conducted for attorneys, private  individuals, insurance companies and

                        other businesses.


Georgia Certified-Classroom/Firearms Training Instructor (Since 1999)

                         Firearms and classroom instruction in all aspects of investigation and surveillance methods

                         for criminal investigators and private investigations.


Texas Civilian Polygraph Examiner (1992 to Present)

                        Polygraph services conducted for police agencies, attorneys, state and county parole and

                         probation departments, treatment providers for supervision and monitoring of criminal

                           and sex offenders; pre-employment purposes and other criminal and honesty related issues.


Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) (1978-1999)

                        Civilian Special Agent and polygraph examiner assigned to investigate all felony criminal offenses committed by U.S. Naval and Marine Corps personnel, dependents, civilian employees and contractors on Naval and Marine Corps facilities and U.S. Navy ships worldwide. Experienced in conducting counter-intelligence & counter-espionage operations, CSP exams, all types of criminal investigations to include fraud, arson, burglary, theft, robbery, unattended deaths, homicide, processing, collection, preservation and presentation of evidence. Extensive experience in writing complex reports, conducting interviews, interrogations, and providing courtroom testimony and presentation of information to senior civilians, military officials and courts.


Department of Defense Polygraph Institute (1986-1992)

                        Instructor responsible for the development, writing and presentation of courses that were part of the federal government polygraph examiner training curriculum. Developed specialized courses of instruction and presented seminars to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Developed the Polygraph Sex Offender Training Course for the U.S. Government for the education and training of polygraph examiners and criminal investigators.


Jacksonville (Florida) Police Department (1973-1978)

                        Patrolman and vice squad narcotics undercover detective responsible for investigations, development of sources of information, informants, purchase of illegal drugs and other contraband. Responsible for routine police functions, the investigation of criminal offenses, drug related crimes, collection of evidence, conducting interviews, writing reports and providing courtroom testimony.


Professional Affiliations:

                        American Polygraph Association

                        American Association of Police Polygraphists

                        Texas Association of Polygraph Examiners



                        U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service

                        U.S. Department of Defense

                                    Special Agent, Criminal Investigator (1978)

                                    Certified Polygraph Examiner (1984)


                        Department of Defense Polygraph Institute

                                    Certified Polygraph Examiner and Instructor (1986)


                        Texas Association of Polygraph Examiners (TAPE)

                                    Certified Polygraph Examiner

                                    Certified Polygraph Examiner to conduct sex offender polygraph examinations


                        American Polygraph Association (APA)

                                    Certified Polygraph Examiner to conduct sex offender polygraph examinations


                        Joint Polygraph Committee on Sex Offender Testing (JPCOT)

                                    Certified Polygraph Examiner to conduct sex offender polygraph examinations



                        Polygraphing the Psychopath (1987)

                        Child Sexual Abuse Investigations (1988)

                        The ABC's of Polygraph (1992)

                        Clinical Polygraph Examinations for Sex Offenders (1994)

                        Guidelines for Polygraph Monitoring of Sex Offenders (1995)

                        Texas Offender Polygraph Supervision Test (1996)

                        Texas Offender Polygraph Supervision Test, Second Edition (2002)


Professional Association Award:

                        Texas Polygraph Examiner of the Year (1996)

                        President’s Award, Texas Polygraph Examiner’s Association (2008)


Seminar Presenter/Guest Lecturer:

                        Alabama Polygraph Examiners Association Seminar-“Polygraph Question Formulation”

                        Kansas Polygraph Examiners Association Seminar-

                                                “Courtroom Testimony & the Expert Witness”

                        Oklahoma Polygraph Examiners Association Seminar-“Polygraph Chart Interpretation”

                        Harris County Sheriff’s Office-“Sex Offender Polygraph Procedures a Seminar”

                        Denton County, Texas Defense Bar-“Benefits of Polygraph Testing”

                        Huntsville, Alabama Sex Offender Seminar- “Polygraph Supervision of Sex offenders”

                        American Polygraph Association Seminar-“Investigative Protocols & Polygraph Procedures”

                        Texas Association of Polygraph Examiners- “Juvenile Sex Offenders”


Updated: January 2014







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